Google malware warning processing method

Google malware warning processing method

According to google instructions: If you have checked the website and confirmed that the website has been restored to safety, you can submit a request for reconsideration: Please note that you need to verify the ownership of the website before you can request a reconsideration of the website.

The application steps are as follows:

1 Log in to Webmaster Tools with a Google account: https: //. In the list of tools on the right side of the console page, click Request to review and follow the instructions.

2 Please note that I did this at the time, but it turned out to be impossible. After I submitted it in the background, I waited and waited. The label was as if it had taken root. I submitted it once a week, and the status was still under review. After nearly a month. I became anxious and went to check the information. As a result, I found another way.

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